This months’ themes were Circuit of Independent Skills, members worked hard to increase their independence completing new and unfamiliar tasks.

 Gardening/project Horse, working hard to get our garden summer ready and planting vegetables to enjoy later in the year.

Winchester: we enjoyed learning and exploring Winchester
 and the history it holds.

Wonka Week just delicious ..Making our own rocky road and wrappers, tasting and sweets

Visits and Visitors: This month in addition to our range of activities we engaged in within our Eastleigh location we used public transport (which we fully enjoyed chatting to other passengers on the way).  We spent the morning having our own guided tour of the Cathedral lead by Emma, Head of Education.  We learnt so many facts and fully of admiration for William Walker who single handedly saved the Cathedral.

We visited the viewpoint at St Giles Hill and both members and staff were taken back by how amazing the City is from there. We used the map to spot famous buildings.

On a particularly sunny day members and staff alike went to the park and played on the equipment.

A bowling trip with another care provider Care by Chris proved to be competitive and fun, networking with new friends and saying hello to existing ones we saw while we were at Hollywood Bowl.

One rather windy but exhilarating day we jumped on our James’ Place Transport and headed into the New Forest adding to our daily count of steps, one of our members took an amazing photograph of a horse shielding from the wind and inspired them to take more photos in the future to create a portfolio.

As we worked so hard on our independent skills week we took a cheeky train ride around the Lakeside Miniature railway, the tunnel was so looooonnnnggggg!

Visitors to our Eastleigh location included, the unexpected arrival of 4 emergency services Police, Ambulance, Fire crews and of course the fourth The AA.  The services came to the aid of someone in need of one of our neighbours. The Police and Ambulance were kind enough to let us sit in and set the sirens off on the vehicles.

We enjoyed the company of Pampered Piggies, and some members enjoyed visiting Bright Horizons to enjoy the company of the children.  Our Friends from Basingstoke came to Visit and we enjoyed sharing making rocky road bars with them.

 Some members joined Bright Horizons Nursery and engaged with the children, playing lego and reading stories together.